Home Uncategorized Project recipients receive additional funding under the Ghost Gear Fund

Project recipients receive additional funding under the Ghost Gear Fund

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Association des Pêcheurs Professionnels Crabiers Acadiens, Inc. (APPCA) Reducing Impact of ALDFG* Interactions with Marine Mammals in the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence Gulf of St. Lawrence, N.B. $400,000.00 Association des Pêcheurs Professionnels Crabiers Acadiens, Inc. (APPCA) Industry Led Large-Scale Mapping and Retrieval of ALDFG* in the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence to decrease possible Interactions with Marine Mammals and to reduce the presence of Plastic in the Ocean. Gulf of St. Lawrence, N.B. $285,000.00 Blue Ocean Gear Inc. Gear Tracking Technology Deployment to Prevent Gear Loss in Multiple Canadian Fisheries: A Large-Scale Effort to Reduce Ghost Fishing Gulf of St. Lawrence, N.B. $150,000.00 Cape Breton Fish Harvesters Association Ghost Gear Removal in LFA 27 Cape Breton, N.S. $20,000.00 Centre de recherche sur les milieux insulaires et maritimes (CERMIM) Locating, retrieval and re-purposing of ghost fishing gear off the Magdalen Islands Magdalen Islands, Que. $407,030.00 Comité ZIP Côte-Nord du Golfe Identification and retrieval of fishing gear lost in the coastal waters near Sept-Îles Sept-Îles, Que. $41,005.00 Comité ZIP des Îles-de-la-Madeleine Retrieval of fishing gear lost or abandoned at sea in areas of high ecological value of the Magdalen Shallows Slope Magdalen Islands, Que. $204,457.50 Coastal Restoration Society ALDFG* Retrieval (and safe disposal) from First Nation Territorial Waters – Pacific Region Tofino, B.C. $700,000.00 Coopérative des Capitaines Propriétaires de la Gaspésie (APCG) Manufacturing and acquisition of a Reid’s Grapnel to retrieve abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded commercial fishing gear (ALDFG) in the Gulf of St. Lawrence Rivière-au-Renard, Que. $350,000.00 CSR GeoSurveys Ltd. LFA 36-38 ALDFG* Survey, Retrieval and Disposal Bay of Fundy, N.S. $300,000.00 CSR GeoSurveys Ltd. LFA 26A ALDFG* Survey, Retrieval and Disposal Northumberland Strait, N.S. $250,000.00 Emerald Sea Protection Society Restoring the Emerald Sea: Collaboratively tackling lost fishing gear in the Canadian Salish Sea Salish Sea, B.C. $235,000.00 Esgenoôpetitj First Nation Miramichi Bay Fishing Gear Retrieval & Disposal Miramichi Bay, N.B. $120,000.00 Fraser River Sturgeon Conservation Society Lower Fraser River Ghost Gear Removal and Community Outreach Initiative Lower Fraser River, B.C. $95,844.00 Friends of McNabs Island Society McNabs and Lawlor Islands Cleanup – Education and Awareness Initiative McNab Island, N.S. $21,000.00 Fundy North Fisherman’s Association Responsible Disposal of End of Life Lobster Traps St. Andrews, N.B. $106,670.00 Goodwood Plastics Products Maximizing Recycling Efficiency and Value of End-of-Life Plastic Fishing Gear in Atlantic Canada Atlantic Canada $237,000.00 Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Reducing Fishing Gear Loss and the impacts of ALDFG* into the Marine Environment of the Wider Caribbean Region Caribbean Sea $100,000.00 Les Pecheries Shipek Retrieval of lost gear in the area off the western tip of Anticosti Island Anticosti, Que. $14,700.00 Lower Fraser Fisheries Alliance LFFA and FVAFS Ghost Net Retrieval Program Fraser River, B.C. $61,526.00 Malahat Nation Mapping and Improving High-Value Habitat influenced by Derelict Fishing Gear in the Salish Sea Salish Sea, B.C. $336,750.00 Maliseet Nation Conservation Council Using diving to remove ghost-gear and other marine debris from the Bay of Fundy Bay of Fundy, N.B. $140,224.00 Marine Thinking Lobster trap tracking, monitoring, and retrieval system Lobster Fishing Area 33, N.S. $120,000.00 Maritime Fishermen’s Union Clean Oceans, fishermen taking action in LFA 26 : Ghost Gear retrieval effort. Lobster Fishing Area 26, N.S. $110,000.00 Merinov Abandoned or lost fishing gear: introduction to repurposing Gaspé, Que. $300,000.00 Natural Resources Consultants Newly Lost Net Response and ALDFG* Removal Diver Training Campbell River, B.C. $149,673.00 Newfoundland Aquaculture Industry Association Removal of Plastic Equipment (from Abandoned Mussel Aquaculture Sites) (ROPE) Project N.L. $199,251.95 Ocean Conservancy (Global Ghost Gear Initiative®)  Driving Policy Change to Catalyze Reductions in Ghost Gear Washington, D.C. $225,000.00 Petty Harbour Fisherman’s Cooperative Petty Harbour Fishermen’s Co-operative – Eastern Avalon Ghost Fishing Gear Retrieval Project Petty Harbour, N.L. $134,038.00 Prince Edward Island Fishermen’s Association PEI Modified Grapnel Trialling and Wide Scale Gear Retrieval Project Gulf of St. Lawrence, N.B. $75,583.75 Richmond County Inshore Fishermen’s Association Ghost Gear retrieval of St. Peter’s Bay, Richmond County, Nova Scotia St. Peter’s Bay, N.S. $37,000.00 Shift Environmental Technologies Ltd. Rural First Nations ALDFG* Training Collection and Recycling Pilot Prince Rupert, B.C. $400,000.00 Stand Out For Environment Restoration Initiative Fishing Net Gains West Africa (FNG – WA) Nigeria $200,000.00 The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’Kmaq Keskaqowey Apuktuk Memjewey Mi’kma’ki (Ghost Gear in Mi’kma’ki) Digby, N.S.
Northumberland Strait, N.S. $250,000.00 The Ocean Legacy Foundation Strategic Collection and Processing of Abandoned, Lost and Discarded Fishing Gear (ALDFG) Resources in Pacific Canada Ucluelet, B.C. $800,000.00 Titan Maritime Ltd. Titan Maritime Proposal to DFO for SFSRSCP Funding Southern Shore, N.S. $204,000.00 Torngat Joint Fisheries Board (TJFB) ALDFG* retrieval and disposal initiative– Nunatsiavut waters (NAFO 2GH, 2Jnorth) Labrador, N.L. $265,000.00

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